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Webinar Series

Next: Wed May 22. 8PM EST.

Our Goal

Helping your child get admitted in a top college of their choice where they will have the most successful journey.

Join us on a Free Webinar. Wed, May 22. 8PM

SAT Strategies

Choosing the Right College

What Makes a Solid College Essay

Registration (Free) required to reserve your spot.

Webinar details

Under 30 mins interactive webinar. Plus 15-20 mins Q&A.

We have deep expertise on SAT Prep, College Counseling, Apps and Essay support. We are a very analytically driven firm and we analyze a lot of data. We will share with you some of our observations abased suggestions to help your child in their journey to college.

SAT Strategies. We will share strategies on how to approach SATs for a high score (whether you attend our program, other programs, or are planning to do it yourself), there are a few key differentiators for a high score.

Choosing the right college for you. Go beyond published rankings and identify the colleges where YOU will be most successful. In this webinar we will take the major Computer Science and analyze a few colleges.

What makes a solid college essay. Writing a college essay builds on writing skills that your child has learned through High School. However it requires a vastly different approach and the ability to customize by college.

Student Review

"[The] reviews and insights drastically improved my personal essay and UC essays. Coach Dutt is an excellent storyteller and understands the college essay process really well. I couldn’t have thought of the ways he perfected my essays, which stepped up my application. I’m grateful to have had his guidance!"

- Ronav, Early Decision to Carnegie Mellon, Computer Science

"1560. [He’s] happy, great job getting him ready. Thanks again for all your help, let me know if there’s anything I can do to help spread the word for your services”

- DH, Parent (SAT)

Proven Success!

Here are some universities where our students have successfully gained admission:

North Carolina
The University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill
North Carolina State University
Duke University
Penn State
Carnegie Mellon University
The University of Maryland, College Park

The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


Purdue University

The University of California, Los Angeles
The University of California, Davis
The University of California, Irvine
The University of California, San Diego
The University of California, Berkeley
Georgia Institute of Technology
The University of Wisconsin, Madison

The University of Massachusetts, Amherst

New York


  • The University of California, Los Angeles

  • The University of California, Davis

  • The University of California, Irvine

  • The University of California, Berkeley